Return to Strength Program

Personal Programming Remote Coaching Mentorship

You're a woman over 50 who knows she is supposed to be strength training. You know it's good for your bones and you need to maintain muscles as you get older.

But, you're struggling. You've tried to:

  • be consistent but you feel like you have no willpower to stick with it.

  • figure out what you need to do, but you're frustrated and overwhelmed.

  • go to group classes but their schedules don't mesh with yours.

  • join a gym but feel so self conscious and uncomfortable in your body.

RETURN TO STRENGTH online coaching mentorship will transform your life in 12 weeks by:

  • supporting you with a coach who you feel accountable to and that deeply understands this time of your life.

  • creating a consistent strength training schedule that you crave whenever you can't get to it.

  • instilling confidence to walk into any gym as you know how to lift weights.

  • creating self satisfaction that you've finally made strength training a lifestyle.

  • creating contentment you're finally taking care of yourself.


  • 3 strength training workouts each week delivered through an app. The workouts are tailored for you based on an assessment I do over zoom. It is also tailored to the equipment available to you.

  • Accountability through me as your coach as you and I will be connected in the app as I check how your workouts are going.

  • A live zoom session every other week where we go over form and your personal progress. We meet twice a month.

Great! So what's the cost?

  • $399/every 4 weeks

  • 14 day money back guarantee

  • While it's 12 weeks, the sweet spot amount of time all my mentees have been most successful in building their lifestyle habit, you can cancel anytime.

Can anyone sign up?

  • Actually no. I am limited on how many women I can work with due to schedule constraints. I only have space for 4 mentees this summer through fall.

If everything above sounds like you, please do apply. I'll contact you once I get the application :)

What my past mentees have said.