Iron Strong Fitness with Tina Tang

I’m a fit at 53 certified personal trainer who helps women 40+ add strength training into their lives (forever).

My mission

Strength training helped me during the roughest patch of my mid-life.
My mission is to help women cultivate confidence and lifetime physical strength through the mastery of strength training.

Hi! I’m Coach Tina.

CPT-NASM, RKC, SFL, TRX and Pre post natal certified

I’m at fit at 53 trainer who helps women 50+ add strength training into their lives for the rest of their lives. Because I got started into lifting weights later in life (43!), I understand what it feels like to be intimidated in the gym and to have the inspiration to want to change the direction of my health through strength training.

Read more about me here.


Master Your Body Mentorship for women over 50
Jersey City Small Group Strength Training with Coach Tina Tang
Personal Training with Coach Tina Tang
Free Workout Challenge with Coach Tina Tang

Kind Words